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Aurasma Ideas for the Classroom

What is Augmented Reality?
Augmented reality is when a layer (typically a video or another image) is added over an existing image to enhance it in some way. Think of it as 4-D, or four-dimensional. If 3-D enhances visuals to appear more realistic as we view them, 4-D actually alters the object(s) you're viewing not only by enhancing their appearance, but also by offering additional information in a more interactive manner. Click here to see an engaging example.

Yet Another Example of Augmented Reality

How To Make an Aurasma from the iPad
These instructions explain how students can create Auras on their iPads and how to load them to the teacher channel for easy access.

Aurasma in the Classroom
Student Created Book Reviews
Students can create short video book reviews of the book they have read from the classroom library or school library. Place a small sticker in the corner of the books with book review overlays. This will notify interested readers to view the augmented reality review. This allows the students to reflect on the book they have read while helping other interested readers in the process. 

Faculty Photo Wall
Personalize your school's entryway by hanging a photograph of each staff member.  Each picture (or name/text on the picture) could be an AR trigger that allows parents to learn more about each faculty member.  A great way to build relationships and P.R. using A.R.!

Exit Slips/Tickets
You could add a trigger to exit slips that contains a work sample (exemplar) or link other content for students to reference like a lesson's learning target(s).  This would be a powerful tool to enhance teacher clarity and/or demonstrate high expectations for student reflection.

Mystery Reader or Staff Members
This idea could be used for I Love to Read Month or any other special occasion/theme. Post clues that point to specific staff members (i.e. favorite children's book, grade-level, hobbies, etc.) and use A.R. to create triggers that eventually provide the "answers" to the trivia. (You could give all students the chance to solve the riddles prior to posting the A.R. answers.)

Student of the Month Showcase
We hang pictures of our students of the month; kids that are recognized for creativity, innovation or effort.  A.R. could be used to link a work sample or short acceptance speech from each student.

Parent Teacher Conferences (Before & After)
Before conferences students could create A.R. triggers and place the auras on their desks (name plates).  The messages/video from kids could share important questions that kids think their parents should ask their teacher.  
After conferences parents could record a message for their children in a similar manner.  (It will be important to get a few trusted teachers or the principal to record a special greeting for any student that's parents were unable to attend conferences.)

Living Art Gallery

Students create an art project in the style of a famous artist or genre. The project contains a video overlay of the student explaining their piece. 

They say numbers can lie, and that any data could be manipulated to represent something different....allow students the chance to actually create Auras that show this.  A data set could be provided to the class, and cooperative groups could work to create different graphs that attempt to represent the data in different (and skewed) ways. Everyone in the class could see the same data, but using A.R. would provide glimpses into how differently the data can be represented/graphed!

Synonym/Antonym Hunts
Provide students flashcards or text from a story selection and challenge them to capture Auras/to link to the cards or books (synonyms, antonyms, etc.).  The same concept could be applied to creating a class story that's more interactive because of Auras embedded in the story.

Visible Thinking Routine: “Circle of Viewpoints”
Each poster has 3 different pictures on a page. Each picture is of a different character. The students will create a video overlay on each picture with characters coming to life and sharing their perspective.

Visible Thinking Routine: “Step Inside”
The students write from the point of view of a character or person. In the past, students have constructed posters with their writing, and a drawing of the character. This year the students used Aurasma to act out and actually “step inside” the characters shoes. Each video was used as an overlay and their poster acted as the trigger image.

School Tours
Students create video overlays to explain various areas of the school. (ex: School Garden, Play ground rules, Fine Arts wing, Main office, cafeteria, etc)

Boost Creativity in Writing
Unleash students' imagination and interactivity/collaboration using AR....students or cooperative groups could compose a story and let the reader choose between alternate endings.  This reminds me of how Hollywood will often film different endings to films to keep the storyline spoilers guessing!  

Scavenger Hunts

Scavenger hunts around your classroom, school, or even community.

Center based directionsIf students forget the task they can put it over a target in the center. Great for emergent readers that are not yet ready to read directions. The directions in the center will help eliminate disruptions and redirecting. 

Open House Classroom Tours
Place a target or trigger at each center or area of the classroom. The overlay will show parents a video of students playing or performing tasks 


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