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Showing posts from June, 2019

PDF Mergy, I Love You.

I don't know about you, but I love me some Jason time.  Time to read self-help books, time to listen to music, and time to take long walks on the beach are mandatory components of a healthy, fresh and mindful teacher.  Well, I'm here to show you one way that technology can save you precious time to do the things that make you feel fabulous. How many times have you wanted to print student work and realized that you have to print one at a time? That is a painful process indeed, but my good friend, Emily Brunick, opened my eyes to a beautifully elegant, yet simple, website that changed my world. The website is PDF Mergy . Watch the video below, and be prepared to be amazed.

Google Classroom End of the Year Clean-Up

In the ever poetic words of Jim Morrison, This is the end. Beautiful friend. This is the end.  It's June 4th, and summer is on the horizon. Many of you have a routine for cleaning up your physical classroom, which is super, but you mustn't neglect your Google Classroom. Trust me, you'll thank me in August when you drag your tanned, relaxed body back to school. Below you will find a few simple steps that will help clear that cloudy qi of yours. Let's get started. Tip #1 - Return all student work Once students are finished working on an assignment, they turn it in. You then look it over, provide feedback and grade the darned thing. At that point, you should return the document back to the student. Hoarding documents isn't anything to brag about, people. Make sure you return the work. Here's why. When a student turns in an assignment, you are now the owner of that document, and the student is relegated to view only rights. Once you return the work, the studen